
Selected Group and solo exhibitions:

2023 Fortissimo, Gallery Route One, Point Reyes Station, CA 

2022 Fariba Bogzaran: The Art of the Lucid Mind, Bolinas Museum, CA (solo) 

2021 50th Anniversary. Don Soker Contemporary Art, Carriage House Annex, San Francisco, CA

2020 COVID Dreams. Virtual Exhibition, Artavita

2017 On the Fringe. Don Soker Contemporary Gallery in San Francisco, CA (solo)

2016 Dreams, Visions, Guides, & Vespers. Krowswork Gallery. Oakland, CA

2015  Bogzaran and Eubank. Gallery by the Bay. Marshall, CA

2013  Fariba Bogzaran: Lucidity-A Retrospective. Meridian Gallery, San Francisco, CA (solo). Curated by Peter Selz and Anne Brodzky.

2012  Blue. Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Sebastopol, CA

2011  Of Water: Contemporary Paintings by Twenty Bay Area Artists. Bay Model, Sausalito, CA

2011  Faculty Art Exhibition. Arts and Consciousness Gallery, JFK University, Berkeley, CA

2010 Text 'O Figura & Latitude. Meridian Gallery, San Francisco, CA

2010 Artists in West Marin Review. Gallery Route One, Point Reyes, CA

2009 150 Artists + 150 Wooden Boxes= 150 Positively Magnetic Masterpieces. Gallery Route One. Point Reyes, CA

2009 Myth, Magic, Mystery: Art of the Inner Worlds. The Red Door Gallery, Oakland, CA

2008 The Third Script. Institute of Noetic Sciences, Petaluma, CA (solo)

2008 Faculty Art Exhibition. Arts and Consciousness Gallery, JFK University, Berkeley, CA

2007 The Spirit of the Dream. University Art Gallery, Sonoma State University, CA

2007  Faculty Art Exhibition. Arts and Consciousness Gallery, JFK University, Berkeley, CA

2006  Noir et Blanc. The 8 Gallery, San Francisco, CA

2006  Faculty Art Exhibition. Arts and Consciousness Gallery, JFK University, Berkeley, CA

2005  California Current. Falkirk Cultural Center, San Rafael, CA

2005  Faculty Art Exhibition. Arts and Consciousness Gallery, JFK University, Berkeley, CA

2005  Dream Arts. International Association for the Study of Dreams Conference (IASD). Berkeley, CA. Best of Show.

2005  The Dreaming Mind, The Conscious Mind. Arts and Consciousness Gallery. JFK University, Berkeley, CA

2004  150 Artists, 150 Boxes. Gallery Route One, Point Reyes, CA

2004  Faculty Art Exhibition. Arts and Consciousness Gallery, JFK University, Berkeley, CA

2003  Eggs Dreaming. International Association for the Study of Dreams Conference. Berkeley, CA

2003  2 X 2 Exhibit. Arts and Consciousness Gallery, JFK University, Berkeley, CA

2003  Emotional Sensibilities. Evolving Perceptions, Circle Point Gallery. Washington, D.C.

2002  Faculty Art Exhibition. Arts and Consciousness Gallery, JFKU, Berkeley, CA.  Berkeley, CA

2001  Awakening: A Creative Response to World Events. Arts and Consciousness Gallery, JFK University, Berkeley, CA

2001  100 Artists, 100 Boxes. Gallery Route One, Point Reyes, CA

2001  Lucid Passages. California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA (solo)

2001  2 X 2 Exhibit. Arts and Consciousness Gallery, JFK University, Berkeley, CA. 

2000 Faculty Art Exhibition. Arts and Consciousness Gallery, JFK University, Berkeley, CA

1999  Hypnopompia: Dreaming to Waking. Elosie Pickard Smith Gallery, University of California Santa Cruz, CA

1998  Lead into Gold. Gallery Route One, Point Reyes Station, CA

1997  Through the Light. Arts and Consciousness Gallery, JFK University, Berkeley, CA

1997  Faculty Art Exhibition. Arts and Consciousness Gallery, JFK University, Berkeley, CA

1996  Consciousness and Art. Towards a New Science of Consciousness, Tucson, AZ, Juried Art exhibit.. Best of Show and People’s Awards.

1993  Dream Art. Tenth Year Annual Dream Art Exhibit. International Association for the Study of Dreams, Santa Fe, NM

1988  Lucidity and Meeting the Unknown. Marbling on polygraph papers. California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA (solo)

1988  Dream Inspired Art. International Association for the Study of Dreams, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA

1986  Art of the Mind. Printmaking Collagraphs. California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA  (solo)

1986  From Waking to Dreaming. Melia Foundation, Berkeley, CA (solo)

1985  Art and Shamanism. California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA

1984  Painting Inspired by Dreams (Conscious Dreaming). International Association for the Study of Dreams Conference, San Francisco, CA 

1984  National Women's Art Show. University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point & Stevens Point Public Library, Stevens Point, WI

1983  National Wisconsin Art Show. Edna Carlsten Gallery, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, WI Exhibition Juried by John Hallmark Neff, Director, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, Illinois.

Education and Trainings: ART

1991-1995 Dialogues on surrealism, automatism and acrylic paint. Mentored with surrealist Gordon Onslow Ford, CA

1987-1988 Printmaking: Paper Marbling. Mentored with Anna Wolfe, UC Berkeley Extension, CA.

1980-1983 Printmaking: Collagraph. Mentored with printmaker Herb Sandmann, UW Stevens Point, WI.

1979-1981 Two years study in art practice (oil painting and drawing), UW Stevens Point, WI.

1978/79 "A" Level in Studio Arts (drawing and watercolor): Exeter College, Devon, England.

Selected Curatorial Exhibitions:

2009-present Lucid Art Foundation exhibitions

2019 Numinous: Sculptures of Peter de Swart

2010 Gordon Onslow Ford 1939-1951, Francis Naumann Fine Arts, New York

2009 White Passages: Paintings by Chiyomi Taneike Longo, IONS

2009 Symphony of Colors: Paintings by Fritz Rauh, IONS

2008 Landscapes of Consciousness. Weinstein Gallery, San Francisco

2007 From the Vallejo, Weinstein Gallery, San Francisco

2003 A Shared Vision: The Art of Hyperspace, Weinstein Gallery, San Francisco, CA

1997 Through the Light: Exploration of Consciousness, A & C Gallery, JFK University, Berkeley

1996 The Quest of the Inner Worlds: Paintings of Gordon Onslow Ford, A & C Gallery, JFK University, Curator, Berkeley

1988-1999 International Association for the Study of Dreams. Founded the Dream Art Exhibition program, Curator

2009-2012 Institute of Noetic Sciences, Petaluma, CA. Art Exhibition program, Curator

1985-1989 California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA. Co-founded the esthetic committee (renamed to Art at CIIS), Co-Curator

Current and Past Affiliations:

1998-Present Lucid Art Foundation. Cofounder and founding Director

1991-2009 Adjunct Professor, John F Kennedy University, Department of Arts and Consciousness. Graduate courses taught: Dreams, Art and the Inner worlds; Art and Altered States of Consciousness. Independent studies for graduate art students