Psychology/Dream Studies
1995 Ph.D. (East-West Psychology). California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), San Francisco, California. Dissertation: Images of the Lucid Mind: A Phenomenology of Lucid Dreaming and Modern Painting. (Qualitative research).
1989 M.A. (East-West Psychology). California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), San Francisco, California. Thesis: Experiencing the Divine in Lucid Dream State. (Quantitative research).
1986-1989 Part of the Team of researchers exploring the science of Lucid dreaming for Lucidity Project with Stephen LaBerge at the Stanford Univeristy Sleep Laboratory.
1986-1990 Independent Study on Somatic Psychology: Reichian Therapy with Ed Jackson, MD., training group.
1985 Graduate studies in Consciousness Studies, University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Taught the first course on Psychology of Sleep and Dreams to undergraduate students. Transferred to CIIS (1986).
1984-2000 Training in Ta’i Chi Ch’uan. Authorized teacher by Fei Academy (1991).
1983 B.Sc., (Major Psychology, Minor Art). University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, WI. Concentration: Consciousness Studies, Art
Current and Past Professional Affiliations:
1984- Present International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD), Award for contribution to Dream Studies.
1989-2011 Associate Professor, John F Kennedy University, Founding Director of the Dream Studies program Graduate School for Holistic Studies/Graduate School for Professional Studies. Department of Consciousness. Graduate courses taught: Psychology of Sleep and Dream; Research Methodology; Lucid Dreaming: Consciousness in Sleep; Dreams and Shamanism; The Art of T‘ai Chi Ch’uan.
2000-2019 Adjunct Professor, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco. Graduate course taught: The Art and Practice of Lucid Dreaming.
1995-present Lecturer on research on Consciousness, Dreams and Art, Institute of Noetic Sciences, Petaluma California. Recipient of the grant for post doctorate research (1997).
1988-1992 Lucidity Association, Board member and lecturer.
1986-present Lecturer on Dreams, Arts and Consciousness, Cultural Integration Fellowship, San Francisco.
National and International:
1984-present Lectures and retreats in dream studies, arts and Consciousness nationally (San Francisco Bay Area; New York; Massachusetts; Illinois; Minneapolis; Wisconsin; Virginia; New Mexico; Arizona; California; Big Island of Hawaii). Internationally (Canada; England; Indonesia; Taiwan, R.O.C.; Sweden; Germany; The Netherlands; Denmark; Chile; Italy)